Healthcare Provider
of Durable Medical
Equipment (DME)
& Supplies and
Equipment (PPE)

Construction Site
Equipment &
Construction Worker
Equipment (PPE)


Dr. Tammy Foster-Knight is the President & CEO of Optional Solutions LLC (Optional Solutions), a Florida-based company that is registered as a Healthcare Provider of Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Consumable Medical Supplies and Construction Safety-Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). For 13 years, Optional Solutions has consistently delivered exceptional products, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service in a timely manner to healthcare and construction-related companies and third-party vendors; nationally and internationally. A sister company (Safe-T-Gear), also owned by Dr. Foster-Knight, manufactures disposable nitrile gloves and nitrile-dipped work gloves.

Dr. Foster-Knight brings 34 years of comprehensive blue-chip experience in the areas of business, military leadership, academia, and community service. Dr. Foster-Knight spent 23+ years on active Air Force duty, entering in August 1987 as an Airman Basic/E-1. Having served in 10 different locations, including a 7-month deployment to Iraq, Dr. Foster-Knight retired as a Manpower & Personnel officer in June 2011 as Major/O-4. As a leading authority in cutting-edge adult education, she is an Adjunct Professor, facilitating courses in Organizational Leadership: Managing & Leading in Business, Strategic Change Management, Human Relations in Administration, and Corporate Social Responsibility, to name a few.

We work closely with businesses to help advance their minority procurement and diversity programs.
In the interest of bidding on projects, we welcome opportunities to partner withlarge and small companies.

Dr. Tammy Foster-Knight
President – CEO
Air Force Major (retired) Combat Veteran

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